Teacher conference luncheon
Friday, February 08 2019
Help provide a warm, homemade lunch for our teachers and faculty during conferences. This is a 100% donation event and they really appreciate and look forward to this meal. It couldn't happen without your support!
Whip up your best crock pot soup, salad, bread, or dessert. Homemade items earn 2 HSA hours, store bought items earn 1 HSA hour. Food can be dropped off in FHH or front office before 10:30 am on Friday morning of the event. Non-perishable items (no soups or salads) may be dropped off on Thursday . Please label your crock pot and lid, and supply a ladle for serving. Food items other than soup should be in disposable containers.
**NOTE this is a no school day.** Please contact Christina Nies with any questions. geno82678@hotmail.com or 804-814-8170 (call or text)
Crock pots, utensils, etc. should be picked up in FHH after the event or on Monday. Thank you!
Contact the event organizers: Nies Christina