SAINTS RUN 5K - Gift Cards
Thursday, March 07 2019
The 10th Annual SAINTS RUN 5K is on March 9, 2019. Please sign up to donate gift cards for the SAINTS RUN 5K. The gift cards will be used as rewards for the Student Challenge.
Each $25 gift card will be credited for 1 service hour. Your hours will be logged and approved when your gift card(s) are received. You do not need to log your hours separately. Thank you for your donation.
Please leave the donations at the office front desk and included on the envelope:
SAINTS RUN 5K C/O Judy Hunter
Name of parent
Name of student(s)
STUDENT CHALLENGE: Please help your student(s) send at least 10 emails to friends and family using our giving platform. All students in the “House Class” that raises the most funds will receive a “One Month Front of the Line Pass” and a $20 cafeteria credit.
SAINTS RUN 5K Student Challenge Link:
Contact the event organizers: Valdez Lidia