Gift card donations for Senior Bingo Night
Tuesday, March 02 2021
ASB is having a BINGO night to lift up morale in the senior class, and they are requesting the following donations for prizes:
Two $5 Starbucks cards
Two $10 In N Out gift cards
Two $15 Cane's or Chick-fil-A gift cards
Two $20 Target gift cards
Two $25 Amazon gift cards
Sign up below for the specific card(s) you want to donate. Each $25 gift card will be credited for 1 service hour; we will also provide partial service hour credit for gift cards of lower values. Families may earn up to 4 service hours for their donation. Your hours will be logged and approved after your donation is received. You do not need to log your hours separately.
Please drop off your donation at the SAHS front desk and include the following information on the envelope:
Senior Bingo Night, C/O Mayra Fernandez
Name of parent
Name of student(s)
Contact the event organizers: SAHS ADMIN