A Christmas Carol Snack Bar Donations
Friday, October 20 2023
The theatre department is in need of snack bar donations for the production of A Christmas Carol
Please bring your items to the school front office from 7:30am to 3:00pm.
You will receive 1 volunteer hour for every $25 spent, bring your receipt with your donation items and include the following information:
Attention: Ms. Kristin Nemecek
Your full name:
Student Name:
Student Grade:
If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Nemecek at kristin.nemecek@longbeachsaints.org
Contact the event organizers: Valdez Lidia
Confirm Password
Volunteer Last Name, *
Volunteer First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Cell Phone Number *
Hour Requirement *
Student Graduation Year (select all that apply)
Message to Organizer