Forest Botany Field Walk with Dr. Glenn Hughes
Saturday, March 27 2021
Call 601-799-2311 now to sign up for Crosby Arboretum’s Saturday March 27 FOREST BOTANY FIELD WALK, led by former MSU Extension Forestry specialist Dr. Glenn Hughes!
The walk is from 1:00 until 2:30 PM. Journey down the pathways in our Woodland Exhibit to see what is currently blooming in the forest. Discover plants that deserve more use in the landscape such as the handsome evergreen buckwheat tree, with sweet-scented white blossoms, suited to both full sun and shady understory!
Learn to identify numerous woody species and tips for growing them in your own property. Registration is required. Cost is $4 for members and $6 for non-members.
Per Mississippi State University policy, face coverings and social distancing is required in all Extension programs, both indoors and outdoors.
Contact the event organizers: Volunteer & Continuing Education Committee