U-Pick Guru
Saturday, September 21 2019
Volunteer as our U-Pick Guru to help welcome and orient pickers to the Farm and the picking process. We will try to give everyone at least 24hrs notice of cancellation to due to weather. Keep an eye on your e-mail if the weather is looking spotty for a day that you are scheduled to work. If the weather is looking bad for a day that we are normally open, look out for an alternate opening day (aka Sunday or Friday) planned into the schedule so we can easily shift from a rainy Saturday to a gorgeous Sunday for picking.
If there are a lot of open slots, please prioritize the opening and closing shifts first, then fill in the midday shifts. Thank you!
9:45am - 12:00pm
Opening Shift
Set up the berry station
11:50am - 2:00pm
Closing Shift
break down the berry station
Contact the event organizers: Melanie Raelin
Confirm Password
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number
Trained for Kitchen Clean Up Crew
Trained for Junior Chef
Cleared for Farm Liaison Training
Trained for Farm Liaison
Beekeeper's Assistant
Trained for Goat Chores
Cleared for Goat Training
Cleared for Flower Training
Trained for Flower Specialist
Message to Organizer