Check Deliveries
Monday, August 31 2015
One of our services that we offer to our refugees as they assimilate to life here Tarrant County is cash assistance for a few months as they are in search of jobs. Every month our Refugee Cash Assistance department delivers these checks to our families that are in their program. We would love to invite you to join this team as they go out into our families homes to give them the checks and check up on them to see how things are going. We have opportunities at both Ladera and the Fountains Apartments.
9:15am - 11:30am
Fountains Apartments
You'll meet Becky at the office and then go with her to the Fountains to visit families.
9:30am - 11:30am
Ladera Palms Apartments
You'll meet Lorrie at the World Relief office then go to Ladera with her to visit families.
Contact the event organizers:
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