Airport Pick Up for New Refugee Arrivals
Friday, September 23 2022
A new refugee family will be arriving on this date at DFW Airport. We need assistance to pick them up from the airport, greet them with love and joy, and take them to their new home. Attached is a document to guide you on what should be done at the airport and when you arrive at the home. The document will be completed when all information is received on our end, which will be beneficial to you. Please get in contact with the caseworker (info below) for further information.
Here is information on the event:
Full Principal Applicant name: Safari Rugagi (M,27), Passy Byiringiro (M,20), Justin Nkurunziza (M,32), Nyirabarata Mukagaju (F,42) Feza Uwamahoro (F,29)
Additional people/gender/ages: (F,18) (M,14) (M,7) (F,5) (M,2)
Case Number: *5 cases that are all related
Nationality: Congolese
Languages Spoken: Kinyarwanda, Swahili
Car Seat Needed? 1 car seat, 2 booster seats
Car Seats Available? yes
Time/Date: 09/23/22 at 1:27PM
Flight: UA480
Take them to: Monarch Pass apartments; apartment# TBD
Case Worker’s Name and Number for emergencies: Serenity Beesley (817-936-0603) and Stuart Robinson (682-325-9855)
Please Note:
***Volunteers can’t provide food or any items, GNT can provide food, but individual volunteers do not have the process of purchasing items for reimbursement or donations. *****
Contact the event organizers: