Office Help Needed!
Tuesday, March 01 2016
Hey Volunteers,
We have a case worker who is about to go on maternity leave (CONGRATS WHITNEY!)
We are in need of someone who would be available to come and help with some office work while she is out.
She will be out a total of 8 weeks and we can accommodate any level of commitment. It would be preferred to have a volunteer with a large portion of a day free who could come either all day or all morning/afternoon. There will be another case worker who will train you with certain tasks and be available to answer any questions.
Some of the duties would include: sending emails and following up on claims, assisting clients filling out paper work, updating files and taking clients to appointments.
This case worker was a Spanish speaker so anyone gifted in that capacity would be a huge asset as well!
We are so grateful for each of you and grateful for how you so diligently serve our refugee families!
For more information please signup on this event or contact Laura Boyd at 817-789-8819 or 573-479-8494 (Personal number)!
For His Glory,
Laura Boyd
Volunteer Coordinator
4059 Bryan Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76110
T 817.924.0748 ext. 205
C 817.789.8819
F 817.921.9784
STAND/for the Vulnerable
Contact the event organizers: