Infant/Toddler Storytime
Thursday, October 17 2019
The infants and toddlers would love to have some guest readers for storytime! Please sign up to volunteer to come read and share your favorite book with our infants and toddlers. You can sign up for any day of the week starting at 3:30. Please add a note letting us know what day of the week/date you have chosen as this is ongoing.
3:30pm - 4:00pm
Please add a note letting us know what day of the week/date you have chosen.
4:00pm - 4:30pm
Please add a note letting us know what day of the week/date you have chosen.
Contact the event organizers: V-Hour
Confirm Password
Child(ren)'s Last Name *
Child(ren)'s First Name(s)
Caregiver #1 Full Name
Caregiver #2 Full Name
Message to Organizer