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Halloween Fundraiser in Honor of Grant King

Saturday, October 27 2018

Frasher's Smokehouse and Jack King are hosting a Halloween Party Fundraiser to raise money for New Life Society Living Assistance Fund.

In 2018, New Life Society has provided financial assistance to organ transplant patients and their families for basic living expenses. Expenses included electricity and gas bills, rent, medication co-pays and more. New Life Society is providing immediate assistance so that patients and caregivers feel less stress about bills and can spend more energy healing. There was so much need for assistance this year, that we have run out of funds for the rest of 2018. Please consider making a donation to the fund to help out recipients in need.

Saturday October 27, 2018 6pm
Frasher's Smokehouse
3222 E Indian School Rd, Phoenix

please wear a costume!

10:00am - 2:00pm
Set up
decorate the haunted house and inside
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6:00pm - 8:00pm
NLS Table
give out info, take donations with Paypal
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DNA Table
sign up organ donors, answer questions about donation
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6:30pm - 9:00am
Haunted House Rooms
monitor each room for safety and scary
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6:30pm - 9:00pm
Haunted House Entrance
help patrons at entrance, take donations
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Contact the event organizers: Tila Achuff