Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

TTA ProAuto Wild Horse Pass -West Track Gate 3

Saturday, October 03 2020

Thank you for volunteering to collect donations at the Track! Donations from the Track help transplant recipients attend the Transplant Games of America in 2020.

Our main purpose at the track is to collect liability signatures from everyone entering the racing area. As people approach the admission gate, we hand them a clipboard for everyone in the vehicle to print and sign their name. If there are minors, ask the parents to print the minors name and sign their own name next to the child’s name.
While signatures are being collected, tell the drivers you are volunteering with Transplant Team Arizona. Let them know that you are collecting donations the DonateLife Transplant Games and that you are raising awareness for organ donation and transplantation. 

There will be racing packets to hand out that contain the racing information and colored wristbands for racers only.  If the racers are preregistered, you will have their packet.  If they are not registered, send them to the registration desk after you get their waiver signature. 

Please wear your purple TTA t-shirt.  Get one from Zoe if you don't have one.  Wear a hat, sunscreen and comfortable shoes.  Bring plenty of water.  There is water and food inside the racing area.

This year will will have donor registration cards and flyers for anyone interested in being on the organ and tissue registry. I recommend all volunteers go through the Donor Network of Arizona online training on donation. Let Zoe know if you are interested.

COVID Safety Procedures
Instructions for Volunteers at ProAuto Sports Track Events - effective September 2020
During the fall 2020 and spring 2021 seasons we hope to continue raising funds for upcoming Transplant Games with the ProAuto Sports Team at the Wild Horse Tracks and the Arizona Motorsports Park. Most important in this effort is the safety of our volunteers and ProAuto Sports participants at these events. In that regard, we have developed the plan described below.
All volunteers are required to wear a face mask at all times.
Nitrile gloves will be provided for all volunteers.
A UV Sterilization wand will be provided for sterilization of clipboards, waiver sheets, cash, and iPads or phones.
Four (4) to six (6) clipboards with waiver sheets.
Pens with which to sign the waiver form. This will either be a rotating supply of reusable pens, or giveaway pens with Transplant Team or ProAuto Sports information.
A portable table for organization of sterilized clipboards and pens.
The ProAuto Sports box of driver entry packets.
Alcohol spray bottles for sterilizing hands, gloves, pens, etc.
All volunteers are encouraged to bring your own mask, but we will provide surgical masks.
The waiver signing process will be performed as follows:
The Transplant team volunteer will retrieve a clipboard with waiver sheet from the “Sanitized” clipboard queue and a “Clean” pen.
The ProAuto participant vehicle driver will be handed the sanitized clipboard and pen and asked to have all occupants 18 years or older, print and sign their name on the waiver sheet. (The adult(s) signing the waiver are responsible for the behavior of anyone in the vehicle under the age of 18.) Members of the Safety Crew and ProAuto employees are not required to sign a waiver.
The driver will be asked if they have a pre-entry race packet to pick up, and will if available, it will be handed to the driver.
The driver will also be offered the opportunity to make a donation to the Transplant Team in support of our Transplant Game activities.
The volunteer will retrieve the waiver clipboard and hand the driver wrist bands for all occupants of the vehicle, and the vehicle can depart.
The volunteer will hand the clipboard, used pen, donation, and/or donation iPad to the volunteer sanitizer for UV sanitization. An iPad will be available for electronic donations. (See separate instructions for Electronic donation collections with the iPad.)
The sanitizing volunteer will sanitize the iPad first if it has been used, so that it is available immediately for reuse.
The sanitizing volunteer will sanitize the clipboard and waiver sheet and put it in a sanitized clipboard queue.
The sanitizing volunteer will sanitize pens if they are being reused, and maintain a “clean” inventory of pens.
The volunteer who is interacting with the entering vehicles will disinfect their hands with alcohol spray after each vehicle.
We hope that by strictly following this procedure, we will avoid exposing our volunteers to the virus.
It is our intention to have 3 volunteers working the gates during the first shift of the day, 6:00am – 9:00am.

6:00am - 9:00am
ProAuto morning
3 / 3
9:00am - 12:00pm
ProAuto morning
2 / 2
12:00pm - 3:00pm
ProAuto afternoon
2 / 2
3:00pm - 6:00pm
ProAuto afternoon
1 / 2

Contact the event organizers: Tila Achuff