Mulching at Tuckahoe Park
Saturday, April 01 2023
Our next "Operation Much Mulch" assignment will be to spread 37 cubic yards of mulch at Tuckahoe Park, 2400 N Sycamore St, Arlington, VA. (We will be working near the Sycamore & 26th Sts. end of the park.)
Please join us (in a choice of two shifts) on Saturday, April 1, from 12:30 - 2:30 or from 2:30 -4:30 (or any combination or duration of hours that you have the time and energy to do).
Parking is available on neighborhood streets.
Bring water for yourself, and gloves if you have them (we will have some gloves to share). Also, if you can bring a cart / wheelbarrow and / or a pitchfork, those would be appreciated (but not required). Please indicate when you sign up whether you can bring a cart and/or pitchfork.
Light snacks will be provided.
Contact the event organizers: Hannigan Noreen