New Canaan Exchange Club Christmas Tree Sale: PickUp/Unload Tree Racks
Saturday, November 21 2020
SLOBS assist with set up prior to Thanksgiving. Meet at 757 Oenoke Ridge in the Barn to load tree racks into a truck and transport them to 77 Old Norwalk Road to set up at Kiwanis Park. The NC Exchange Club will have rented a truck, but most likely will take two trips for loading and unloading. SLOBS not allowed to ride in truck, so need transportation to and from 757 Oenoke to Kiwanis. Good parent/son event. SLOBS should follow social distancing at all times. Masks needed at all times.
COVID Protocol from NC Health Department:
- We will be observing social distancing and masks are recommended even though we are outside.
-All individuals who are on the LOT will be asked to provide their name and phone number in case contract tracing is needed.
-Town health does not allow us to serve food or beverages.
-There will be a portable toilet on site than can ONLY be used by paid LOT staff (and will have to be cleaned after each use.)
Contact the event organizers: Werneburg Wendy