Candlelight Celebration
Wednesday, December 14 2022
Happy Holidays! The Candlelight Celebration is a living nativity scene or posada around the beautiful Alverno Villa. Students act out the nativity from the Immaculate Conception to the Birth of Jesus. There will be singers, dancers, and other performers. Guests are invited to gather around the Villa to experience the beauty of Christmas. The event concludes with Christmas carols in the Villa and reception with cookies, hot chocolate, coffee, etc. You can drop off non-perishable items in the office during school hours or 4 to 5 pm in the Villa.
Volunteers: Volunteers are needed to help distribute candles, provide extra light, carry fire extinguishers, etc. In addition, need parent volunteers to set and up, serve refreshments and clean up.
Donations: cookies, baked goods, candy canes, hot chocolate, coffee. Drop off items in the Villa (kitchen) between 4-5 pm on Dec 14th or during school hours in the school office. Please provide a note with your name, receipt, and label 'Candlelight Celebration'. Thank you.
Should you have any questions, please contact Yvette Serano at or Mrs. Lisa Primero-Solano at Thank you.
Service hours credit: $25 equals one hour.
Contact the event organizers: Alverno Heights Academy Parents' Association