33rd Annual Bidwell Park & Chico Creeks Cleanup
Saturday, September 26 2020
Sat, September 26, 9am – 12pm
Hooker Oak Park, 1928 Manzanita Ave, Chico, CA 95926, USA (map)
BEC's 33rd Annual Bidwell Park and Chico Creeks Cleanup is just around the corner and, this year, we are dedicated to expanding our efforts! In order to double our impact and increase community involvement, we are doing not one, but TWO days of cleanup for the first time in BEC history. On Saturday, September 26th and Sunday, September 27th from 9 am-12 pm, we will need YOUR help to be successful.
REGISTER NOW HERE: https://forms.gle/Eav72rAZBKboHgM77
Find more info at the BEC website HERE: http://www.becnet.org/bec-cleanup
BEC partners with the City of Chico - Parks Division to host this yearly cleanup in conjunction and solidarity with the California Coastal Commission, meaning on September 26th and 27th you will be a part of 60,000 volunteers, state-wide, collectively caring for our waterways and critical riparian habitat.
Every year, nearly 600 community volunteers come together over a common goal, to pull literal TONS of trash, recyclable materials and large toxic items from Bidwell Park and Chico waterways. Without regular removal of man-made waste and debris, the water quality of local creeks, channels, and streams would be greatly impacted. Local flora and fauna depend on riparian habitats for survival and lack of care for these corridors negatively affects their ability to thrive.
Butte Environmental Council has always been committed to the safety of our volunteers during this event and this year will be no different. In compliance with COVID-19 safety measures and mitigation efforts, there will be some changes to the structure. We are asking volunteers if at all possible, to pre-register as a group of 3 or more. Those who register as a group will receive cleanup materials and instructions for the event by delivery at a designated point person's address.
By delivering materials in the weeks preceding, we will alleviate large numbers of volunteers gathering each morning to receive materials and be dispatched to a cleanup location.
Contact a group of friends or co-workers and register your group now to help us keep this legacy event alive, safe and thriving for the benefit of our community and local environment!
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Contact the event organizers: Romain Shane