Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

DNR work party at Walker Valley 12/9/23

Saturday, December 09 2023

The objective is trailhead and close by trailhead maintenance. Tasks include but are not limited to: clear back over-grown vegetation around the trailhead, replace and clean signs as needed, weed the walking paths, pick-up trash, clean and maintain Jam Trail bridge, and drainage work on Jam Trail.

In addition to signing up on the Track It Forward system, please let Ali Trout, Walker Valley Trails Manager with the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, know by text message or email if you can make it so she will have an idea on the number of people to expect. Depending on how many people sign up, there may be back up projects around the trailhead.

Contact info for Ali Trout:
(360) 333-0272

9:00am - 3:00pm

Contact the event organizers: Lori Taylor