Student Council - Mary Immaculate Thanksgiving Delivery
Monday, November 23 2020
Mary Immaculate Thanksgiving Delivery
On November 23rd we will need 2 people to deliver collected items to Mary Immaculate in Pacoima, 10390 Remick Ave.
Please coordinate with Mrs Jerri for pick-up at SFDS.
Boxes include food items and frozen turkeys.
Vehicle must have ample trunk space to fit the boxes.
2 hours will be given.
Ms Melich and Mrs. Muir Will send additional information by email.
Mary Immaculate Thanksgiving Delivery
Delivery of collected items to Mary Immaculate in Pacoima, 10390 Remick Ave.
Contact the event organizers: Melich Rachel
Confirm Password
Last Name *
First Name *
Phone Number
Message to Organizer