If you landed on this article, the chances are that you are already a pretty good volunteer manager or coordinator - because you are researching how to be the best!
And, this is basically one of the best practices that a volunteer manager can do! There are so many different tasks that volunteer managers are tasked with, besides the major R’s. (Recruitment, Retainment, Roles). You are also tasked with creating events, communicating with volunteers, running reports on the volunteer program, tracking volunteer time, and sometimes even handling donations and sponsorships.
So, one of the best practices as a volunteer manager is to see what tasks you do now that can be automated. Find a tool that can help with volunteer management practices, that way you can focus more on non-automated practices and really become the best volunteer manager.
For example, you can find a tool that does volunteer time tracking for you, instead of you doing paper sign-in and sign-out sheets, or using Google Spreadsheets for volunteer time tracking and doing manual reports. Then, after you automate volunteer time tracking instead of manually doing it, you will have more time to interact with your volunteers, make connections, and gather insight on some new events that could be created!
Download the Guide To Help Find A Volunteer Management Tool Now!
Why Finding A Tool Can Help You As A Volunteer Manager
There are many benefits of finding a tool to help you be the best volunteer manager, but it is only if you find the right volunteer tool, will you actually get to experience the following:
Less chance for human error in existing practices
More time for personal interaction with volunteers
Ability to digitalize other processes
Option to delegate monitoring of the tool to another person
Use additional features of the tool to complete other processes within your role
Find time to focus on volunteer management tasks like volunteer recruitment instead of spending your time on a process that could be done within a tool!
Find a tool that fits within your organization and volunteer program’s workflow, and you’ll be set!
What Kind of Volunteer Tools Can I Use As A Volunteer Manager
There are a lot of different volunteer tools and software that you can use to help lessen the workload that you have as a volunteer manager. But, some of them might be too complex, complicated, or expensive for your organization.
For example, you might think volunteer management software will be helpful, but this is a lot of work. They try to combine a lot of volunteer management processes into one software, which might not help lessen your workload but make you feel like you have to overhaul your whole volunteer program.
Another article on that is here!
Volunteer Time Tracking Tool
Volunteer time tracking allows volunteer programs to track their volunteer’s time, arrange it into different categories, and instantly run reports.
A great program like Track It Forward allows volunteer programs to choose how they want to track volunteer hours (even sign up, hour log, mobile log, sign-in sheet), along with other features like the option to add more information and track as many details as possible.
Volunteer Event Sign Up Tool
Use an event calendar tool to plan events, plan out the max # of volunteers to RSVP, and allow volunteers to distribute themselves among events.
Track It Forward has this as a tool too!
Application & Learning Module Manager
Use a tool to store volunteer applications and track how volunteers are progressing in mandatory onboarding and learning modules.
Instead of manually handling these sorts of things, allow the software to do it for you, and you check in on the progress every now and then.
You need to find a tool that will help your organization more, and not be a pain to set up or maintain! Find a tool to help you be the best volunteer manager by downloading our guide!