Success Stories & Testimonials | Track It Forward

Success Stories

Christ the King Catholic School
“[Rostering] has been an easier process…[new families] are just added automatically to [Track it Forward]...which is awesome.”
NYOS Charter School
“I would highly recommend Track it Forward. It makes a huge difference, especially for schools…it’s worth the price and the service is great!”
Boyd County High School Key Club
“[Track it Forward] has made our club so much better, and I want to see other clubs flourish as well.”
Refugee Women's Alliance
Track it Forward made sense…It reduced stress for program coordinators by removing their responsibility to collect timesheets and track the hours manually."
Weber County Master Gardeners
“I like how [Track it Forward] cuts down the time, and everything’s in one spot. You can run a report for whatever you need and it’s very user-friendly.”
East Lake Community Library
"We really enjoy using Track it's a simple, straightforward system that has everything we need."
Crawford County Memorial Hospital
"The milestone report has been a great resouce...I am just really glad Track it Forward is user-friendly."
GFWC Spring Station Woman's Club
"Track it Forward has been a really big help…I have been so happy that I found it! In the last couple of years we’ve had people volunteer to do the reporting because it’s so much easier than it used to be.”
Glean Kentucky
"It really has just made my job a lot simpler…and I really feel like it has that capacity to do that for smaller organizations.”
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
"Track it Forward enabled me to streamline my processes."
East Jackson Comprehensive High School Beta Club
“We are one of the top Beta Clubs in the nation in community service, and I attribute a lot of that to our ability to organize and track hours through Track it Forward.”
Faulkner University Jones School of Law
“We’ve expanded to using Track it Forward to track hours in our field placement program, where students are placed in various [law] offices, Courts, and government agencies,"
Woodburn Fire District C.E.R.T Program
“The ability to have someone log their own hours so I don’t have to do it saves me time and effort. I can concentrate my time on other things with running the program other than logging over 50 people’s times in a day.”
Nutrien Wonderhub
“[Track it Forward] makes me feel confident that we are tracking volunteer hours well [and] I find it to be a very useful software."
Assistance League of Newport-Mesa
"We did some research and we found that Track It Forward was the best because it was actually pretty easy to use.”
North Star Academy
"We have to have the systems behind us to make not only our jobs easier…but easier for the volunteers,"
Pasadena Educational Foundation
"We need to be able to react at the moment and Track It Forward helped us."
Nassau County Amateur Radio Emergency Services
“Having members…enter their own time, saves me 15 hours a month directly.”
Chico Parks Division
"When I started looking at Track It Forward, it was really attractive. It’s really a one-stop-shop.”
100 Black Men of Las Vegas
“About two years ago some of the newer members asked how we were tracking [hours]...It was being done by excel and it was inconsistent.”
Swinburne University Student Life Volunteer Program
"It's just a very easy and simple way to engage students...and particularly to track compliance and professionalize your program."
West Bend Police Cadets
"We were really slacking on keeping track of volunteer hours and we were disorganized and unofficial. I wanted...more legitimacy with hours"
Friends of The Hammock Inc.
" It’s helped us to grow into a much more organized group, and it is like taking the next step forward after being a very small organization."
Gardens for Charlestown
“There’s a lot of stuff out there for nonprofits, but a lot of it is designed for a large organization with a large budget. The fact that this is designed in a way that a micro nonprofit can use it really well is amazing.”
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated
“Our goal was just to have more accuracy when tracking our hours and we think that Track It Forward is going to help us with that.”
Smile On Seniors
"They can easily sign-in from their computer or phone. It’s literally sign-in and enters. It’s very easy. But, for us, it has been tremendous.”
Valley Disaster Relief
“We are pretty elementary, we just use the very simplest part of Track It Forward, it just works so well for us that way.
Junior Auxiliary of Greenwood
"Track It Forward truly makes life easier, we are all busy and this helps.”
Ardoch - Australian Children's Education Charity
"For the first time we feel confident that all the amazing work our volunteers do is being captured and reported on correctly and efficiently."
Johns Hopkins University
"Students are buying in and actually using it! We expect more and more students to use it each year."
Provident Credit Union
"I knew that I needed software help, or else tracking hours on an excel spreadsheet would be awful!"
San Luis Obispo Repertory Theatre
“She was happy to see that she was saving so much time by only needing to check on the site once a week for an hour, instead of daily!”
Readers 2 Leaders
“I really love the app. It’s incredibly easy-to-use, even for someone who isn’t tech-savvy.”
Catholic Charities of Baltimore
“Track It Forward saves us a lot of time and headaches.”
Los Gatos Rowing Club
"What I need it to do, it's doing perfectly. And every time I have a question, I get an answer so quickly.”
Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority
“It’s really easy with Track It Forward, I don’t have to go through and add up every girl’s hours individually.”
Greer Middle College Charter High School
“We have over 400 families to keep track of and Track It Forward is a phenomenal system. It's very user-friendly."
The Academy for Classical Education Charter School
"I am not a computer guru. Computers are not my gift, but I can do it! I don't have to eat, sleep, breath volunteer hours. I can go do other things."
Hope Smiles Volunteer Dentistry
“Tracking volunteers is easier now that we have Track it Forward, especially because we can automatically generate forms and reports.”
North Carolina Museum of Life and Sciences
“It’s very useful to be able to log in and see the total hours volunteered according to each department and according to each activity.”
St. Matthew Catholic School
"I feel like it runs itself."
Mount Si National Honor Society
“It’s a way for people to see their progress when they’re not helping themselves, they’re helping everyone else.”
Piedmont High School
“It really fits our needs. It’s a great value. The students are enjoying the autonomy. I can’t say more wonderful things about Track it Forward.”
Delaware County Humane Society
"Being able to see where the hours are going is important"
Newport Beach Police Department
“The biggest benefit is that it’s saving me personally a lot of staff hours while not minimizing the recognition of the volunteers."
Corona Little League
"We want to use the data to encourage sponsors to contribute more."
Camellia Rose Chapter
“At the end of each month, she no longer has to fiddle with a spreadsheet, but instead, she just pulls up a quick report with Track it Forward.”