Catholic School Tracks Parent Volunteers with FACTS SIS Integration | Track It Forward

Catholic School Tracks Parent Volunteers with FACTS SIS Integration

Event Calendar

Create recurring events, send invites and collect RSVPs

FACTS SIS Integration

Roster and sync data securely with FACTS SIS

Custom Reports

Build custom reports on volunteer and hours data

Christ the King School Tracks Required Parent Volunteer Hours with Ease

Christ the King Catholic School is a K-8 Catholic School in Jacksonville, Florida with a focus on faith and excellent education. They also promote family participation and require 20 volunteer hours per family per year. Families who do not complete the requirements pay a fee, which helps incentivize families to volunteer and plan ahead for the school year.

Photo of parents volunteering at an event and interacting with children

Parents and family members can volunteer at specific events and field trips, or in the classroom at the request of teachers. Liz Negron works as an office assistant and volunteer coordinator at Christ the King Catholic School. “I have been working there for six years now,” Liz says. “My daughter goes to this school too.” Liz has the unique perspective of being both a coordinator and a parent herself. “We have different [volunteer] events, like the school field trips, Christmas boutique, classroom Christmas party, STREAM projects, Olympiad,…and the concession stand for sports [events],” she explains.

Christ the King Catholic School uses Track it Forward to coordinate all parent events, manage RSVPs, and calculate hours requirements. Parents can view the event calendar, sign up for events, and receive email and text event reminders. “[Parents] like it so far,” Liz says. The event calendar can be set up with recurring events and shifts, as well as custom filters to display different types of events or only show events to certain volunteers. Volunteers can RSVP and receive automatic email and text reminders.

Track it Forward makes it easy for schools with required parent volunteer hours to keep track of progress and generate reports, which is one of the most useful features for Liz. She can easily create and duplicate custom reports of family hours. “With Track it Forward, you don’t have to do the math. It’s already [built for you],” she says. “Then you just send that information to the parents - it’s easy for me that way.” Custom school reports can be built in Track it Forward to see which parents have met the volunteer requirements, which volunteer activities are most popular, and more. Admins can also build templates and clone reports for future use.

Screenshot of Track it Forward reports page

In addition to the reports and events calendar, Track it Forward offers a new FACTS SIS integration for schools. Liz worked directly with Track it Forward to help develop the FACTS SIS integration, which allows for secure rostering and data syncing between FACTS Student Information System and Track it Forward. “It has been good,” Liz says of the integration. “[Rostering] has been an easier process…Last year they had to [import]...families on Track it Forward, and now [new families] are just added automatically. If somebody leaves…it archives the person from the system, which is awesome.”

Photo of parents volunteering and interacting with children at a Trunk or Treat Halloween Event

The Track it Forward integration with FACTS SIS simplifies data rostering by automatically detecting new parents or students to import and archiving those who withdraw or graduate. In addition, approved hours on Track it Forward are synced to the FACTS Family Portal for viewing and reporting. Learn more about the integration here.

Christ the King Catholic School has a robust parent volunteer program with a variety of opportunities for families to complete service hours. Managing and tracking required hours can be a complicated task, but Track it Forward makes it simple with a variety of school-friendly features and our new FACTS SIS integration.

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