We've released some more great updates and features during Q2 designed to make the Track it Forward experience even better. From report enhancements to custom colors and selective import fields, this latest round of updates is here to make your life easier.
Plus, we have an exciting new integration coming up next quarter and we can't wait to share it with you!
Import Select Profile Fields
As a site administrator, you can manage profile information on behalf of volunteers. This can be done individually or in bulk, depending on the situation. Our developers released a new update that allows administrators to use the volunteer import tool to update specific profile fields for existing volunteers. During the import process, administrators can now choose to skip blank fields on their spreadsheet to leave existing profile data intact or include blank fields to overwrite the current values.
Learn more about bulk updating profiles here.
Site Branding: Custom Colors
In addition to adding a logo, organizations now have the ability to customize their site colors. This feature is only available for Premium and Advanced plans. The feature allows organizations to modify the default colors on their Track It Forward site to match their own branding instead.
Learn more about customizing your site here.
Report Enhancements
Our developers released a few enhancements to the reporting system that streamlines the process of reviewing pending volunteers. When administrators use the Volunteer Report, they can select the volunteer state of “Pending Only” under the filters section. This allows them to export profile details for volunteer pending approval so they can decide if they should approve the request. Additionally, administrators can select a new data field for “Approved Date” to track when volunteers joined the site and when the account was officially approved.
Learn more about customizing your reports here.
Service Resume (Beta)
The beta version of this feature was released in June. It is still currently in beta stage for users to test. When the feature becomes finalized, it will be live for all advanced plan customers. The Service Resume is designed for volunteers, such as students, who need a viewer-friendly record of their volunteer hours for external purposes. For instance, student volunteers may want to include a copy of their service hours in applications or portfolios.
Learn more about the service resume here.
Additional Updates
- Enable alerts for profile updates
- Modify the contact email addresses for 'Contact Your Organizer' form
- Internal maintenance and upgrades to billing ysystem
- Minor bug fixes and UX updates
Coming Soon - Integration with Clever
We are excited to let you know about an upcoming integration with Clever's single sign-on software for schools. Track it Forward is the first volunteer app to be listed in the Clever app gallery. It will be easier than ever for students to track community service hours for school when they can log into Track it Forward using their Clever credentials!