During the second quarter of 2023, the Track it Forward team has been hard at work to improve features and functionality for our customers. Administrators can now edit events in bulk, confirm hour approvals by outside organizers, and trial advanced features for free! Learn more below.
Bulk Edit and Delete Events
Site Owners and Managers have a new editing tool to update events in bulk! At this time, the bulk edit tool includes the following actions:
- Delete Event - quickly delete upcoming events in bulk when you need to recreate them with different information
- Set Event Activity - edit events to update the activity so reports are accurate
- Set Event Category - edit events to update the event category so volunteers can filter the calendar by category
- Set Event Organizer - update the designated contact person for upcoming events
Administrators can also filter events, which is helpful to identify those that need to be updated. The filter options currently include:
- Event Title
- Event Date
- Event Category
- Event Activity
- Event Organizer
For more information, you can check out this article: Bulk Edit and Delete Events
Organizer Receipt Verification
When organizations are using advanced verification features, they can choose to contact the on-site organizer when a volunteer submits hours. We’ve updated this email receipt with additional functionality that allows the on-site organizer to confirm the hours or report an issue.
From the approvals dashboard, site administrators can track the current status of the organizer response. The status is denoted by the following icons:
- Envelope icon: the organizer has been emailed, but they have not responded yet
- Green check mark: the organizer confirmed that hours
- Red megaphone: the organizer reported an issue
This article is available for more information: Organizer Verification: Email Receipt
Free Trial Access
Organizations with an active subscription will now have the ability to do a free 30 day trial of the Advanced plan! This allows sites to test out various features without impacting their existing subscription. Current Advanced features include:
- Texting - Send reminders and updates via SMS text
- Advanced verification - Confirm the accuracy of submitted hours with a selfie/signatures/GPS
- Check in kiosk - Log hours instantly on-site by allowing volunteers to check in/out on a shared device
- Conditional logic - Customize what questions appear on the hour log based on a selected response
- File upload fields - Create a file upload field on the volunteer profile or hour log to collect photos or other documentation from volunteers
To get started, administrators can go to Organizer Dashboard > Payments > Click ‘Try the advanced plan for 30 days.’
New Growth Pricing
Track it Forward is excited to announce new subscription options designed for organizations that exceed 500 volunteers! Subscriptions are typically billed in increments of 100 users, but our new model provides larger increments to decrease the cost per volunteer for organizations with more users.
Subscriptions are now available with a range of 500 - 1,000 users, as well as 1,000 - 2,000 users. By offering larger billing increments, organizations will have the flexibility to add more users for a fraction of the cost.
You can learn more and update your subscription by going to Organizer Dashboard > Payments.