A Volunteer Sign In Sheet is a great tool to allow volunteers to track their time, without them necessarily taking any extra steps. It is also a great tool to use for tracking attendance for events.
But, if you are doing this on paper, it isn’t quite the most efficient volunteer sign-in sheet. If you would like to make it digital, we have just the option for you!
Track It Forward’s digital sign-in sheet is a volunteer sign in sheet connected to a software database that tracks volunteer hours. The digital sign in sheet is connected to an event calendar, too!
The ideal process for using the Digital Sign In Sheet goes as follows:
The admin creates an event calendar with events they wish that volunteers would sign up for.
Volunteers RSVP For The Event.
On the day of the event, an admin pulls up the Digital Sign In Sheet on a tablet or a device they are happy to share with all the volunteers.
Volunteers pick their name from a drop-down menu (since they already RSVP’d)
Their time is allocated for sign in.
Upon departure, volunteers sign out.
The Digital Sign In Sheet calculates the time and assigns it to the volunteer!
Then, the volunteer hour data is in Track It Forward for Volunteer Coordinators and Admins to use for reports!
What Organizations The Volunteer Digital Sign In Sheet Is Good For
Organizations that already have an event-based calendar style for their volunteers will be able to use the digital sign in sheet seamlessly!
The digital sign in sheet feature is perfect for the organizer who runs different volunteering events, requires volunteers to sign up in advance, and needs each individual's hours logged after the event is over. The hassle is now over because we've streamlined this process more than ever.
Why The Digital Sign In Sheet Is A Great Volunteer Sign In Sheet Solution
Everything is done in one spot: Not only do you have a record of when your volunteers signed in and signed out, but their hours are automatically logged for them all on one platform. You don't have to spend time calculating or transferring hours from a paper sheet, a calendar sign up, or any other system, we've automated the whole process for you.
Volunteers don't have to remember to log their hours: Since hours are logged automatically, don't worry about your volunteers forgetting to log their hours after an event. If they signed out, their hours have already been logged for them.
Organizers don't need to log or verify hours: Save time after the event by eliminating the approval and verification process. You can still turn those configurations on, however, depending on how you set up your station, you can bypass the whole process after the event is over.
No new equipment necessary: The event sign-in kiosk doesn't require anything special. The Track it Forward event sign-in sheet is available on the cloud, so you can use access it on a tablet, a desktop computer, a mobile device, or all of the above.