IMPACT Crushers Club Christmas Stocking project - come help - OR - just sign up to bring stuff for one hour volunteer credit
Thursday, December 15 2016
Crushers Club is a boxing club in Englewood that provides a safe alternative to gang life. We helped them decorate for their Christmas party last year. This year, we will send them Christmas Stockings! Come help put them together on Dec 14.
We will make 50 Christmas Stockings with notes of encouragement and love for each Crusher plus+ 14 stockings for staff.
**** help stuff the stockings and bring an item listed - get TWO hours volunteer credit.
*** donate items before 4:00 pm Dec 15 and get ONE hour volunteer credit, even if you cannot stay and help.
3:45pm - 4:45pm
Donation Only (click + for what to bring)
donate a $25 gift card for Walgreens or Visa ONLY - for one hour credit for service
4:00pm - 5:30pm
Help and bring donation (click + for what to bring)
Come help - PLUS - bring enough candy canes for all stockings
Help and bring donation (click + for what to bring)
Come help - PLUS - bring 24 protein bars to put in the stockings
Help and bring donation (click + for what to bring)
Come help PLUS - bring 3 pairs athletic socks for boys (boys large)
Help and bring donation (click + for what to bring)
Come help PLUS bring 3 pairs men's Athletic socks
Contact the event organizers: Silvi Pirn
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