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Children's Day 9 AM Leadership (for 4th-8th Graders)

Sunday, May 07 2017

Sign up to be a reader, greeter or usher at 9 AM on Children's Day

Why this new thing? Children's Day typically has a focus on the 3rd graders, and you've "been there, done that." This year, because we've been doing things differently at 9 AM Sunday School, Children's Day at 9 AM will look different - and I'd like to highlight your leadership and learning at 9 AM (because I know you are wise and wonderful and have gifts to share). Please sign up to be a leader!

8:45am - 10:00am
Reader: Call to Worship
Lead the Call to Worship
0 / 1
Reader: Opening Prayer
Lead the Opening Prayer
1 / 1
  • Jon Hanold
Reader: Responsive Reading
Lead the Responsive Reading
1 / 1
  • Celia Ross
Reader: Prayers of the People
Lead the Prayers of the People
2 / 2
  • Libby Graham
  • Libby Graham
Reader: Benediction
Lead the Benediction
2 / 2
  • Eddie Harvey
  • Jeffrey Urban
Stand at Transept Door
2 / 2
  • Maggie James
  • Mimi James
Help with the Offering
1 / 2
  • Daphne

Contact the event organizers: Silvi Pirn