Supplies Needed for Night Ministry Service. Do this ON YOUR OWN TIME - must deliver to KUC before 11:30 am Sunday, March 18!
Saturday, March 17 2018
Each item you bring counts for 1 hour service.
To receive credit, items MUST be brought to KUC kitchen by 11:30 am SUnday, March 18.
Church is open Saturday 9 am - 1 pm. and Sunday morning.
Mark your items with your name and Night Ministry before leaving them in the back of the KUC kitchen.
11:00am - 12:00pm
1 x Party Size (76 oz) or 2 x Family Size (40 oz) frozen Stouffer's Macaroni & Cheese
shop on your own time. Deliver to church as instructed
1 Container Clorox Wipes and 1 package of foodservice gloves (can order gloves on Amazon)
shop on your own time and deliver to church as directed
5 loaves Sara Lee sandwich Bread
shop on your own time. Deliver to church as instructed
2 lbs Sliced American Cheese (40-50 slices)
shop on your own time - deliver to church as instructed
20 pack of individual snack bags (chips/pretzels/crackers)
shop on your own time. Deliver to church as instructed
100 Large Cookies - costco tray (or equivalent)
shop on your own time - deliver to church as instructed.
2 cases (24 bottles) water
shop on your own time. Deliver to church as instructed
100 XL Brown Bags & a package of 150-300 paper napkins
shop on your own time - deliver to church as instructed
Contact the event organizers: Silvi Pirn
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