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2nd Grade Secret Santa Craft Party

Saturday, November 12 2016

It is that time of year again!! Kate Dart will be hosting the Secret Santa Crafting Party at her house on Nov. 12th from 4pm-6pm. Her address is 13416 Welby Place, Midlothian, VA 23113.

We will have a joint 2nd grade party. We will be making a couple of different crafts this year. We are making bowling pin snowmen (thanks for Maria Copple for donating the bowling pins) and beer and wine glasses with the SEES crest.

Here are examples of what we plan to make:
bowling pin snowmen: http://makingofamom.com/snowman-bowling-pin-tutorial/ (going to use vinyl for the mouth, eyes, and nose and glue on
buttons instead of using screws)
SEES beer and wine glasses: see the picture in email (couldn't upload image)

4:00pm - 6:00pm
baby socks
navy, red, cream, green
25 / 25
1 spool
2 / 2
very small buttons
1 / 1
Beer glasses
15 / 15
wine glasses
15 / 15
Craft helpers
large popsicle sticks
1 / 1
small snack to share

Contact the event organizers: Dart Katherine