Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Teacher Appreciation Week- movie baskets for Teachers

Thursday, May 10 2018

Bring in movie related items for a treat for our teachers. Please sign up for items to bring to your individual classes ( Don't forgot to help fill baskets for our Art/Media/PE/Speech/ Music and E3 teachers!) In an effort to encourage some variety for each teacher/teacher aide I added specific items if you would sigh in for both your grade level/special and the item you plan to provide. Please label items and bring in by the morning of 5/10/18. Bring Items to Father Lemay Lounge so volunteers/HSA can assemble and distribute baskets (provided by HSA) to the teachers. Feel free to bring items in anytime during the week- leave in Father Lemay lounge labeled Teacher movie basket (there is a red and blue basket to put items in)- attn Kelly Fibich. I will provide some suggestions in the description of every class, but bring in whatever you think your teachers/teacher aides would like! Any questions- kfibich@gmail.com

redbox gift cards, popcorn, snacks, movie gift cards, drinks, etc.
redbox gift cards, popcorn, snacks, movie gift cards, drinks, etc.
First Grade
redbox gift cards, popcorn, snacks, movie gift cards, drinks, etc.
Second Grade
redbox gift cards, popcorn, snacks, movie gift cards, drinks, etc.
Third Grade
redbox gift cards, popcorn, snacks, movie gift cards, drinks, etc.
Fourth Grade
redbox gift cards, popcorn, snacks, movie gift cards, drinks, etc.
Fifth Grade
redbox gift cards, popcorn, snacks, movie gift cards, drinks, etc.
Sixth Grade
redbox gift cards, popcorn, snacks, movie gift cards, drinks, etc.
Seventh Grade
redbox gift cards, popcorn, snacks, movie gift cards, drinks, etc.
Eight Grade
redbox gift cards, popcorn, snacks, movie gift cards, drinks, etc.
redbox gift cards, popcorn, snacks, movie gift cards, drinks, etc.
redbox gift cards, popcorn, snacks, movie gift cards, drinks, etc.
redbox gift cards, popcorn, snacks, movie gift cards, drinks, etc.
redbox gift cards, popcorn, snacks, movie gift cards, drinks, etc.
redbox gift cards, popcorn, snacks, movie gift cards, drinks, etc.
redbox gift cards, popcorn, snacks, movie gift cards, drinks, etc.
Red Box Gift Card
Red box gift card
Microwave Popcorn
Microwave Popcorn
Sweet snacks
Sweet snacks
Salty Snacks
Salty snacks
seasoning for popcorn
seasoning for popcorn

Contact the event organizers: Fibich Kelly