Teacher Appreciation Week- movie baskets for Teachers
Thursday, May 10 2018
Bring in movie related items for a treat for our teachers. Please sign up for items to bring to your individual classes ( Don't forgot to help fill baskets for our Art/Media/PE/Speech/ Music and E3 teachers!) In an effort to encourage some variety for each teacher/teacher aide I added specific items if you would sigh in for both your grade level/special and the item you plan to provide. Please label items and bring in by the morning of 5/10/18. Bring Items to Father Lemay Lounge so volunteers/HSA can assemble and distribute baskets (provided by HSA) to the teachers. Feel free to bring items in anytime during the week- leave in Father Lemay lounge labeled Teacher movie basket (there is a red and blue basket to put items in)- attn Kelly Fibich. I will provide some suggestions in the description of every class, but bring in whatever you think your teachers/teacher aides would like! Any questions- kfibich@gmail.com
Contact the event organizers: Fibich Kelly