Speaking at Mass
Sunday, October 16 2022
Student and/or parent will go up after communion, speak about their experience at LFS, and invite parishioners to our Open House on Oct. 17 from 4-6pm. Ms. Keeton will provide a script in advance.
7:00am - 8:00am
Mass Speaker at Holy Face
Student and/or parent will go up after communion, speak about their experience at LFS, and invite parishioners to our Open House on Oct. 17 from 4-6pm. Ms. Keeton will provide a script in advance.
7:30am - 8:30am
Mass Speaker at St. George
Student and/or parent will go up after communion, speak about their experience at LFS, and invite parishioners to our Open House on Oct. 17 from 4-6pm. Ms. Keeton will provide a script in advance.
8:30am - 9:30am
Mass Speaker at IHM
Student and/or parent will go up after communion, speak about their experience at LFS, and invite parishioners to our Open House on Oct. 17 from 4-6pm. Ms. Keeton will provide a script in advance.
9:00am - 10:00am
Mass Speaker at Holy Face
Student and/or parent will go up after communion, speak about their experience at LFS, and invite parishioners to our Open House on Oct. 17 from 4-6pm. Ms. Keeton will provide a script in advance.
10:30am - 11:30am
Mass Speaker at St. George
Student and/or parent will go up after communion, speak about their experience at LFS, and invite parishioners to our Open House on Oct. 17 from 4-6pm. Ms. Keeton will provide a script in advance.
11:15am - 12:15pm
Mass Speaker at IHM
Student and/or parent will go up after communion, speak about their experience at LFS, and invite parishioners to our Open House on Oct. 17 from 4-6pm. Ms. Keeton will provide a script in advance.
11:30am - 12:30pm
Mass Speaker at Holy Face
Student and/or parent will go up after communion, speak about their experience at LFS, and invite parishioners to our Open House on Oct. 17 from 4-6pm. Ms. Keeton will provide a script in advance.
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Mass Speaker at IHM (Spanish)
Student and/or parent will go up after communion, speak about their experience at LFS, and invite parishioners to our Open House on Oct. 17 from 4-6pm. Ms. Keeton will provide a script in advance.
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Mass Speaker at St. George (Vietnamese)
Student and/or parent will go up after communion, speak about their experience at LFS, and invite parishioners to our Open House on Oct. 17 from 4-6pm. Ms. Keeton will provide a script in advance.
Contact the event organizers: LFS Principal
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