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Parent Education Night 6:30 - 7:30pm

Tuesday, April 02 2019

Parent education night: April 2nd at 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. in the SAHS Library. Please arrive by 6:15p.m. Parents/guardians will receive 2 service hours for attendance per family. You will received 2 service hours if 1 or more family members attend. No more than 2 service hours per family. Adults only.
Tuesday, April 2 at 6:30 - 7:30 PM in the library
Presenter: Mrs. Pamela Hurwitz
Topic: "Refresh"
Light refreshments will be served.

Mr. McGuiness is offering a parent education night. As a school we spend plenty of time in our Religion classes with your children, but sometimes we, as parents, need a few reminders of the importance of our own faith journey. After all, we are the primary educators of the faith for our children. This is simply an evening for us. I hope you will join us. Here is the information:
As parents we spend a good portion of our days focusing on our children, and helping to create a wonderful life for them. But what about our life, our faith, our purpose. Sometimes we need a pasture to lie down in! Come and rest your weary soul, and be inspired in your own Lenten journey. Come hear a practical and relevant message from a fellow parent/comrade in the trenches. You will leave with hope and inspiration!

Please RSVP/Sign up through the link below.

Supervisor: Judy Hunter (PEP)

6:30pm - 7:30pm
Parent Education Night

Contact the event organizers: Valdez Lidia