Event Sign Up Sheet | Track It Forward

Adult Volunteer for SAHS Community Meal

Sunday, December 15 2019

Adult Volunteers are needed for our Community Meal. Note: To allow opportunities for more SAHS families to participate, sign-ups are limited to two (2) people per family; additional sign-ups will be deleted. Do not sign up your students to work via Track It Forward, as student sign-ups will be done on-campus with Mr. McGuiness.

Volunteers should park at the gym, enter through the 6th Street Gate, and and check in with the volunteer coordinator near the S building before beginning their shift. People on the morning shift are asked to bring knives, potato peelers, kitchen towels, and serving spoons labeled with their name to ensure they are returned.

Note: Volunteers must sign in AND sign out before leaving. You do not need to log your service hours in Track it Forward. Your hours will be logged and approved once your attendance is verified. You will receive an email from Track It Forward verifying your hour(s).

7:30am - 9:30am
Food Prep
2 / 15
9:30am - 11:30am
Food Prep
3 / 10
11:30am - 1:30pm
Food Service
0 / 10
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Food Service and clean-up
1 / 10
3:30pm - 5:30pm
0 / 10

Contact the event organizers: Valdez Lidia