SAHS Snack Bar Donations for Theater Production of Beauty and the Beast
Wednesday, March 23 2022
The theatre department is in need of snack bar donations for the musical Beauty and the Beast
Please bring your items to the school front office on Wednesday March 23, 2022 from 7:30am to 3:00pm.
You will receive 1 volunteer hour for every $25 spent, bring your receipt with your donation items and include the following information:
Attention: Ms. Kristin Nemecek
Your full name:
Student Name:
Student Grade:
If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Nemecek at or you can call parent, Catherine Garcia at 562-244-9353.
Contact the event organizers: Valdez Lidia
Confirm Password
Volunteer Last Name, *
Volunteer First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Cell Phone Number *
Hour Requirement *
Student Graduation Year (select all that apply)
Message to Organizer