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Transplant Families Golf Tournament

Saturday, April 28 2018

Transplant Families is our community partner that provides assistance to families with children who have been through a transplant.

Their fundraiser golf tournament will be held at Stonecreek Golf Club, 4435 East Paradise Village Parkway South, Phoenix, AZ 85032 on Saturday, April 28th. Tee times on both days will be at 7:00 a.m. Lunch will be provided after the game which begins at 1 p.m. The one-day tournament will feature exciting putting contests, outstanding tee prizes, and a silent and live auction.

The cost is $120 per golfer, or $450 per foursome per day, which includes lunch and on course refreshments.
The proceeds from the Golf Classic will benefit families dealing with pediatric transplant. When children receive a life saving transplant, that is only the beginning of recovery. Transplant families aims to alleviate some of the many challenges faced by these families with educational resources and support.. There are over 450 transplant families (bone marrow, heart, kidney, liver and lung) in Phoenix receive support from the proceeds from the Transplant Families golf tournament.

6:30am - 9:30am
hand out information on NLS & TTA
9:30am - 12:30pm
Hole Volunteer
help golfers- no shade
12:30pm - 2:30pm
hand out information about New Life Society & TTA

Contact the event organizers: Tila Achuff