Judges for Pentathlon
Tuesday, May 21 2019
Judges are asked to attend the full event from May 20th to May 22nd. Transportation, food, and lodging are included. During the event, children are divided into six city-states: Athens; Sparta; Thebes; Olympia; Ithaca; Corinth. The children will participate in six different events: 40-yard dash; long jump; javelin; discus; upright wrestling; and relay. There is great emphasis placed on cooperation, fair play, good sportsmanship and beauty of movement. Each judge is assigned to one city-state and spends Monday and Tuesday watching and judging the students in their city-state with one or two other judges. Prior to the judging, all judges are trained in what to look for in the students. During the awards ceremony on the evening of May 21st, parents can stand behind their student while they receive their award from the judges. This is an individual award in something that the judges recognized as a strength in that student throughout the Pentathlon. We need 3 judges to join us, we hope you can!!!! This is a wonderful way to support the students and the school, and is very very fun!
Contact the event organizers: Ferkett