Staff Lounge Fairy
Wednesday, January 19 2022
Are you motivated to care for our teachers and other staff? Do you like doing special things for people?
Our staff lounge is in need of parent support. Here is a list of things you can do, but not limited to:
Clean the counters, microwave, sink, refridgerator, dishes and tables.
Bring treats, packaged items, canned soup, or other easy lunch foods.
Take out the compost and clean the compost bucket.
Sweep the floors.
Refil hand soap at both sinks.
Light a candle.
Leave a note, drawing or picture for staff.
Refill the water jug if needed.
Please see Brigid for futher questions or to propose ideas. This job will be offered every two weeks.
You must wear a mask while indoors here at school.
Contact the event organizers: Ferkett
Confirm Password
Last Name
First Name
Phone number
Student Names
Message to Organizer