Local Food Fundraiser: Vendor Product Drop-Off
Thursday, November 07 2024
Vendors will be dropping off their sold product for the Local Food Fundraiser at the TRCCS Garden. Volunteers will be asked to count incoming items and verify quantity and type with a spreadsheet. This job may require standing, walking, lifting heavy items, and may be stationed outside so dress accordingly.
2:00pm - 3:30pm
Vendor Product Drop-off Receiver
Greet Local Food Fundraiser vendors. Receive, count, and possibly carry product. May be stationed outside. Dress accordingly
3:30pm - 5:15pm
Vendor Product Drop-off Receiver
Greet Local Food Fundraiser vendors. Receive, count, and possibly carry product. May be stationed outside. Dress accordingly
- Chamomile Nusz
- Riley
- Zena Kolbus
Contact the event organizers: Giombetti
Confirm Password
Last Name
First Name
Phone number
Student Names
Message to Organizer