Pacifica Beach Coalition - Rockaway Switchbacks Habitat Restoration
Friday, April 06 2018
When: Friday, April 6, 10am – 1pm
Where: Rockaway Beach Avenue, Rockaway Beach Ave, Pacifica, CA
Meeting spot is the surfers' beach parking lot at Rockaway Beach, Pacifica: From the intersection of Highway 1 and Fassler / Rockaway Beach Avenue traffic light in Pacifica, turn toward ocean onto Rockaway Beach Avenue. A very short distance, take the first left, Turning LEFT on to Old County Road. Continue on Old County Road past the Holiday Inn Express and into surfers' parking lot. We'll meet at the south end of the parking lot by the bathrooms.
Contact: Patty (e-mail:; (650) 892-9248 cell & text)
If weather is uncertain for the scheduled activity, please contact site captain to check if event is still on or if it is cancelled due to rain.
Contact the event organizers: Jacqueline Nunez