Office of Sustainability 2nd Grade Tour of Shoreway Environmental Center
Wednesday, March 07 2018
Date: Wednesday, March 7th, 2018
Time: 9:30AM - 10:30AM or 11:30AM - 12:30PM
Location: Shoreway Environmental Center, 333 Shoreway Rd, San Carlos
Join the Office of Sustainability School's Program staff in leading a tour of the Shoreway Environmental Center, a Rethink Waste Material Recovery Facility.
Volunteer role: Support Office of Sustainability and Rethink Waste staff in leading a tour of the Material Recovery Facility.
Why should I participate? Enjoy a free tour of the Shoreway Environmental Center, and see where trash in San Mateo County is sent to before being landfilled or recycled. Interact with elementary school students, help answer questions, and learn about how trash is managed in San Mateo County.
What to bring? Just yourself!
Parking: There is free parking for tour participants.
To learn more about the Shoreway Environmental Center:
To learn more about the Office of Sustainability's School Program:
Contact the event organizers: Jacqueline Nunez