Help out at the Rocktober Bash - Adult Only Event
Saturday, October 27 2018
To help make the RSS Rocktober Bash a success we will need every hand on deck! Consider grabbing an oar and helping out!
Please sign up for the time(s) below to help YOUR RSS Fall Fundraiser Rocktober Bash be a success! As the event draws nearer you will be contacted and given more information and details. In the meantime, if you have questions, please contact Emily Kilburn @
Please consider signing up for one or more areas. This is a great way to earn your volunteer hours AND have a great time!
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Pre-Event Set-Up
We need 15 people for ONE Hour before the event to set up for the event (tables, linens, chairs, etc,)
Pre-Event Decoration
We are in need of 5 people to decorate and spruce the place up for the event! We only have ONE hour.
Raffle Table Set-Up
We need 5 people to help set up the Raffle Table. We have ONE hour to set-up
Silent Table Set-Up
We need 6 people to set up and arrange items for the silent auction. We have ONE hour to set-up
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Registration Table
We need 3 people to work the registration table to check people in
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Liquor Wagon Ticket Sales
1st Shift to sell tickets to get liquor/drinks!
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Liquor Wagon Ticket Sales
2nd Shift to sell tickets to get liquor/drinks
8:00pm - 9:30pm
Live Auction Help
Help observe at the Live Auction & Paddle Raise Bid Number Recorders
9:00pm - 10:00pm
Check Out Table
Help auction winners check out & assist at pay tables
Auction Item Retrieval Runners
Gathering auction winning item(s) and giving to winner
Contact the event organizers: Kim Brown
Confirm Password
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Student 1/Grade
Student 2/Grade
Student 3/Grade
Message to Organizer