Halloween Ticket Sale/Mass
Sunday, October 16 2022
Parent volunteers needed to sell Halloween Dance tickets after mass. Please note 11 and 12:30 are Spanish masses. Volunteers will be stationed at a table outside of St. Bernard Church. Volunteers can accept venmo payment, cash or checks payable to St. Bernard School. Tickets will be available at the time of purchase. If you are interested please contact the front office.
8:00am - 11:00am
Set up table. Sell tickets after 8am & 930 mass
11:00am - 2:00pm
Sell tickets after 11 & 12:30pm Spanish mass. Breakdown table and store at the school.
Contact the event organizers: Gloria Gonzalez
Confirm Password
Parent First Name *
Parent Last Name *
Phone Number *
Child/Children Names *
Message to Organizer