Jr. High Field Day
Friday, May 18 2018
Please sign up to donate food, games or your time at the Jr. High Field Day. It will be Friday May 18th. They will be going to Lomond View Park.
8:30am - 2:00pm
Come Help Out
Donate your time that day to organize food/games and chaperone.
Ham & Cheese Sandwiches
Please send 12 ham & cheese sandwiches with your student on May 18th
Please send the board game monopoly with your student on May 18th (Be sure it has your name on it if you want it back)
Apples to Apples
Please send the board game Apples to Apples with your student on May 18th (Be sure it has your name on it if you want it back)
Please send the game chess with your student on May 18th (Be sure it has your name on it if you want it back)
Please send a deck of cards with your student on May 18th (Be sure it has your name on it if you want it back)
Exploding Kittens
Please send the card game exploding kittens with your student on May 18th (Be sure it has your name on it if you want it back)
Favorite Board Game
Please send the board game your family loves with your student on May 18th (Be sure it has your name on it if you want it back)
Contact the event organizers: Mapa@mariamontessoriacademy.org
Confirm Password
Family Last Name
Children's first names
Phone Number
Message to Organizer