Breakfast/Lunch for Jr. High Overnighter
Friday, March 15 2019
Please sign up for a a food item or two for Breakfast and Lunch at the Jr. High Overnighter. The overnighter will be at the school Gym. There is 90 students and will be about 15 staff/chaperones.
8:00am - 8:00am
1 box of Pancake Mix
Please bring 1 box of pancake mix (that uses add water only).
1 gallon of milk for Waffle mix
Please bring 1 gallon of milk to mix with the waffle mix.
1 carton of eggs mix
Please bring 1 carton of eggs for the waffle mix.
1 gallon of Orange Juice
Please Bring 1 gallon of orange juice
1 package of Roast Beef Sandwich Meat
Please Bring 1 package of Roast Beef Deli meat
Contact the event organizers:
Confirm Password
Family Last Name
Children's first names
Phone Number
Message to Organizer