Water Newly Planted Trees at Alexandria's James Marx All Veterans Park
Saturday, October 22 2022
Please come lend a hand helping to water the 30-plus trees planted two-days earlier in mowed areas of Alexandria's James Marx All Veterans Park.
This activity will involve lifting 5-gallon cans of water in and out of a wheel barrow and using them to water newly planted trees.
Here is the Google Maps link to James Marx Park. Please note that the street address given for James Marx Park on Google Maps does not provide access to the park; please see the pin-drop at this link: https://www.google.com/maps/place/N+Pickett+St+%26+Holmes+Run+Pky/@38.813241,-77.1185047,17z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x89b7b3d29fcf73a1:0x3d4563db30e79f66!2sAll+Veterans+Park!8m2!3d38.813241!4d-77.116316!3m4!1s0x89b7b3cc97fa78e7:0xedcb555cd7147646!8m2!3d38.814095!4d-77.118996
Please note that there is abundant parking at Beatley Library; it is suggested that you park at Beatley Library and walk the two minutes to the planting site.
Please don't hesitate to call or email me if you have any questions,
Bonnie Petry
(703) 819-2653
Contact the event organizers: Petry Bonnie