DROP IN SATURDAY at Waltham Community Farms
Saturday, October 13 2018
***This is a SCHOOL- SPONSORED ACTIVITY. Transportation from school and back will be provided.**
DROP-IN SATURDAYS: All Ages welcome, with 15 and under accompanied by an adult. Youth ages 15-17 must have their contact form and waiver signed by a parent or guardian before any volunteering can be done. Starts in April, and every Saturday morning through the end of October starts promptly at 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Where to Meet: April through October: Meet at the Volunteer Shelter in back.
No sandals or open-toed shoes, please.
Dress in layers to adapt to changing conditions, and bring rain gear if in the forecast. We work in the rain (thunderstorms cancel).
You will likely be getting dusty/dirty/muddy/sweaty, depending on the conditions that day. It is advised to bring a change of clothing if you are going somewhere immediately afterwards that requires you to be clean and tidy!
Don't forget to bring any special medical items (inhaler, epi-pen) and alert staff before volunteering.
Bring a refillable water bottle. We provide water coolers on hot days.
Contact the event organizers: Bekah LaCoste