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Autism Society Volunteers for The 4th All Inclusive Egg Hunt-Drive Thru & Scavenger Hunt

Sunday, March 28 2021

The Autism Society of Mahoning Valley is a non-profit sponsor of the 4th All Inclusive Egg Hunt-Drive Thru & Scavenger Hunt on Sunday, March 28, 2021 at Rulli Bros. Market in Boardman. This event is for all kids but they have a special egg hunt and prizes for those with special needs. We need 3-5 volunteers to help at the Autism Society table giving out information about our organization and to help as needed with the event. Volunteers are needed from 11:15am-3:15pm. Plan on being inside or outside as needed. Our Board Member, Kelly Long will have the table, chairs and materials to put out for our table. Miss Dana's Diamonds, Rulli Brothers and Elisa's Entourage proudly present and organize this event. This event will benefit The Walnut Grove and Focus Hippotherapy. Thank you for your help!

11:15am - 3:15pm
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Contact the event organizers: Stacie Bacorn