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Mahoning Valley Warrior 2024 Event Volunteers Needed

Saturday, June 01 2024

Volunteers Needed for Mahoning Valley Warrior 2024
Event hosted by: Autism Society of Mahoning Valley, Event benefits programs for local autism families in the Mahoning Valley!
June 1st Volunteers - Event Day we will need volunteers from 7am-2pm at the Canfield Fairgrounds.
Volunteers that signup to volunteer by May 1st will receive our event staff shirt. If you would like to pay for this years Warrior event shirt, please register for the Autism Support Walk with shirt for $25. The first shift is when most registrations will take place, shirt pick up, donations dropped off, 5K takes place etc. Please volunteer for both shifts, if possible, we are in great need of volunteers for our biggest fundraiser of the year!
**If we need you in another area, we may need to move some volunteers, but we will do our best to keep volunteers for the area they prefer. Registration area is fast paced, and volunteers need to be able to stand for long periods of time.

6:30am - 12:30pm
Registration Chair
Work with Director to make sure everything for Registrations is organized including signs, new registration sign up sheets, and event day pre-registered sheets for all events, raffle tickets, donation jar etc. Work with Finance Chair on cash bags.
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7:00am - 8:30am
Event Set-up
We need a couple of strong guys or gals to help us put up fencing for strength athlete area, set up tables, chairs and move anything else needed. Set up 5K refreshment table at finish line,
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7:00am - 11:00am
Registration Crew - 1st Shift
Help us get registration area organized, register new attendees, give out event bags/shirts to new attendees and pre-registered. Also help direct participants to the correct registration table depending on event they are participating in. Must be able to work in a fast paced environment.
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7:00am - 11:30am
Volunteer Coordinator
Work with Director to get volunteer list, make sure volunteer shirts ordered, contact volunteers as they sign up and contact week before event etc with information.
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7:00am - 12:30pm
Logistics & Entertainment Chair
Event day lead to know where all entertainment, food trucks etc are supposed to set up and help with any needs. Work with ASMV Director prior to event.
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7:00am - 2:00pm
Strongman Chair
Assist Team BSS throughout the day and make sure MV Warrior Competitors get all of their competition categories in, know who participants are and have their contact info - be there contact person for the day.
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8:00am - 10:30am
5K Crew
Help direct runners on the 5K course. Our 5K organizer will put you in your spot. Some volunteers will also be at water stations so pouring cups of water and giving to runners as they pass by. Wear comfortable clothes and plan on being in your spot for about an hour depending on your location. Must be able to stand for hour+.
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Parking Crew
Direct Traffic to correct parking lot to enter, also keep traffic away from main area of event.
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5K Chair
Work with Director to understand 5K logistics and to get 5K volunteer list. Communicate with volunteers where to meet event day, make sure their volunteer shirts are ordered, work with Timing Company to make sure all event day 5K registrations get added to their timing system.
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8:00am - 11:30am
Event Ambassadors
Give attendees event day schedules/map, know where all the events/bathrooms are to direct where attendees need to go.
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8:30am - 12:00pm
Bounce House Crew
Help Austintown Bounce Staff with the 2 Bounce Houses
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8:30am - 12:30pm
Games & Dunk Tank Crew
Help kids with games and take donations and give balls to throw at dunk tank target.
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9:30am - 12:00pm
Registration Crew - 2nd Shift
Help us register new attendees, give out event bags/shirts to new attendees and pre-registered. Also help direct participants to the correct registration table depending on event they are participating in. Help clean up registration area.
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People-Powered Tractor Pull Chair
Greet Anguili Farm with Tractors and get event set up - measure pull area, announce teams, keep track of times, make sure photographers at event etc
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10:00am - 11:00am
Kids Fun Run Crew
Assist families in getting their children to the Starting Line. Give all kids medals.
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10:00am - 1:00pm
Strongman Crew
Assist Team BSS Gym with the Strongman events.
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10:30am - 12:00pm
People-Powered Tractor Pull Crew
Announce Teams and help Time Teams.
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10:30am - 12:30pm
Parking Crew
Direct Traffic to correct parking lot to enter, also keep traffic away from main area of event.
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12:00pm - 2:00pm
Clean up Crew
Help as Resource Fair Vendors and Sponsors pack up with carrying tables and chairs to pick up area and clean up the Canfield Fairgrounds.
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Registration Committee
Assist with the overall planning of the Registration Area. Committee members should also sign up for one or both Registration Shifts on event day. Committee will meet (in person or virtually) at least once a month.
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Strongman Committee
Assist with the overall planning of the Strongman Area and Events. Committee members should also sign up for Strongman Crew to help on event day. The committee will meet (in person or virtually) at least once a month. Committee responsible for distributing gym posters to local and regional gyms and meeting with owners/managers to encourage them to Start Teams and Participate in Events.
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People-Powered Tractor Pull Committee
Assist with the overall planning of the PP Tractor Pull. Committee members should also sign up for People-Powered Tractor Pull Crew Crew to help on event day. The committee will meet (in person or virtually) once in May to understand the event, and know how to set up and time.
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Prizes/Vintage Shirt Crew
Sell vintage warrior shirts and set up and give out 5K medals & assist with family team prizes.
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Prizes Chair
Assist Director in getting prizes for Top Family Teams, 5K top prizes and others. Lead prizes committee.
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Prizes Committee
Help get prizes for the event including gift cards, gift baskets and more.
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Posters Committee
Help us get event posters up for the event. Committee will work mid-March through mid-April.
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Team Engagement Chair
Help us communicate with all of our great family and business teams. Assist them with graphics and social media, tips. Help shop for Family VIP Teams, Be a Family Liaison on event day and more.
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Resource Fair Chair
Assist with Resource Fair leading up to the event and on event day.
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Kids Fun Run Chair
Make sure event starts on time, Have DJ make additional announcements if needed. Assist families in getting their children to the Starting Line. Give all kids medals.
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Contact the event organizers: Stacie Bacorn