NPIG/PIG Dothan Miracles Baseball League Buddies - DO Day of Service
Saturday, April 20 2024
Volunteers will serve as buddies for the players of the dothan miracle league - will be assisting players on the field! Each shift is two games long, except the 1:15 - 2:15PM shift is only one game. Wear DO day of service T-shirt or an ACOM T-shirt.
Location: Rotary Miracle Field - 535 Recreation Road, Dothan AL
The field can be hard to find - once you get to the library, follow Recreation Road to the right where the tennis courts are then make a left at the roundabout and you will see a parking lot on Northcutt Dr, park here and that is where the fields are.
Contact: Haley Bracy,, 863-899-3716
Contact the event organizers: Andrew Fennell GA-PCOM-Moultrie
Confirm Password
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Graduation Year *
College *
Message to Organizer