Jaxon's Badger Autism Mile/5k Race
Saturday, April 22 2023
Come be a part of the Autism Mile/5k race as a race day buddy! We will be working with a local gym called Honey Badger and their program called Jaxon’s Badgers to be a support for an individual with cognitive and physical deficits. We would love to be able to pair each athlete up with a student doctor to two to do the race with. The race will look different for each athlete as some may have a motorized wheelchair and want to do the whole 5k while others will be working really hard to walk the mile. If running, jagging, or walking are not your jam, you can come be a cheerleader at different points along the race! The cost to officially run the race is $35 and you will get a normal race shirt AND a JB shirt for being on their team.
Contact the event organizers: Alexandra Belohlavek KCU-COM-Joplin
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Graduation Year *
College *
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