Letters of Love - DODOS
Friday, April 19 2024
Letters of Love is an international non-profit that provides emotional support for patients in Children’s Hospitals across the world through letter writing. Materials will be provided for student doctors to write their own letters to children battling chronic illnesses. Students will also teach one another patient communication skills to utilize in future encounters with pediatric patients.
Materials will be avaliable in the atrium from 12-1 pm on Friday, April 19th. We ask that you return completed letters Monday, April 22nd! We anticipate each letter will take roughly 30 minutes to create. There will be a maximum of 4 TOUCH hours (8 letters) to be claimed.
Location: Athens, OH
Contact: Josie Myers, Community Chair, jm066116@ohio.edu
Contact the event organizers: TOUCH Coordinator OU-HCOM-Athens, Josie Myers OU-HCOM-Athens
Confirm Password
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Graduation Year *
College *
Message to Organizer